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Posted by BRENDA~QMIH~ on 9/3/2005, 13:19:05, in reply to "Self defense question"
In NONE of them did he suggest we "engage" in a physical fight..........except for one...being moved from the spot...
He wants us to THINK THINK THINK THINK BEFORE we get to the point that it would lead to a physical fight....he wants us to use our most powerful weapon....our BRAINS....
Someone posted about having a "feeling". did you notice Tom's reaction to that...I am pretty sure he was doing the happy dance....that is the kind of thing he wants us to pay attention to....If we can prevent an attack from starting, by being aware, and THINKING...we will be better able to avoid the physical fight...Even when he had us start on "our backs with a broken nose" he wasn't looking for defensive physical moves...he was wanting us to THINK about what we would be feeling...."I refer you the the OUTLAW JOSEY WALES----GET BAD DOG MEAN" He wants us to act not react.....meaning, if we think about it now...and use caustion....maybe we will never end up on our backs with a broken nose....I was thinking of examples that he might approve. Such as: the "feeling" if you have that "feeling" get out, don't be the woman that walks into that dark room/don't be the woman that gets on the elevator just to be polite/PAY ATTENTION if you have that "feeling" it actually means your brain is thinking and throwing up barriars to you putting yourself in danger...The only time I re-call Tom saying to fight was when we talked about getting into a vehicle or being moved from the original attack spot....then he said "fight like a dead woman, because the minute you get in that car----you are". Please go back and read my original response then read what he wrote to me...He didn't tell me good job on the last couple of suggestions that involved me go mano-mano...he put good job about me thinking...REALLY THINKING about what was happening....like he said we are at an EXTREME disadvantage to start...We probably aren't going to win any physical confrontation (well, except for Molly, you go Molly:))) But if we use our brains, read work it out for you, at your personal threshold level before you ever get close to that situation again....notice tom's repetition of the phrase "fury to live"....trying to tell us....PICK NOW NOT LATER...think about the thing/person/place etc...that would send you over the edge if it was harmed/taken away/killed....."GET MAD DOG MEAN" NOW! not while the attack is happening..(if it comes to that) then when the attack occurs....you draw up that "MAD DOG MEAN" and use all that "FURY TO LIVE" right then....He is trying to help us get to the point where we are beat up bleeding and dead in the ditch....
And oh, my I think I have beat this in to the ground...I just wanted to make sure everyone was getting the message....the bottome line is "DON'T GO THERE (PHYSICAL)UNLESS IT IS AN EXTREME SITUATION" use your big guns ladies...pull up all those smarts you know you have and think about it now....evade is better than being forced to escape:)


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