Temporary Archive: Suzanne Brockmann's Message Board

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did a quick grab

Posted by Donna on 9/2/2005, 18:25:28, in reply to "SOMEbody, PUH-LEEZE!! Archive? ? Thanks Ever So!!"
I did a quick grab of what's here, as messages were scrolling away and I still have a few more hours of work before I can sit and read! :o

I'm not the "real archiver" though, so if someone wants to put them up on the other archive, please contact me and I'll work out a way to get the info to you. Otherwise, I'll figure out somewhere I can post it.

(The latter assumes that's okay with Suz and Tom and the rest of you, BTW, not sure what the terms of use say about reposting material.)


Temporarily archived without permission from Suzanne Brockmann's Message Board.
Contact Donna if questions or concerns.