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We are agreeing

Posted by Tracy on 9/2/2005, 17:40:11, in reply to " I could not diasgree more-"
Sorry, Deborah..had to take some time off for errands.
The Olympics example is a good one because we are comparing apples to apples. They are top athletes in the events involving speed & strength. And the best women won't beat the worst of men in this group of athletes. So the correlation is that if you take the best female candidates and put them in a BUD/S class, they probably won't cut it, because they don't have the sheer muscle mass to do what is required of them AS WELL AS the men. And, once again, we are not denying the value of women in other spec op forces, just SEALs where SPEED & STRENGTH are critical. I will concede this though...if there was such a woman who could absolutely match these men and prove herself 100% as capable, physical & mental,I'd say, go for it. I just don't see it happening. It's not all about endurance,courage,stamina, or even willpower. It's about something that cannot be physiologically denied. And to do so is to beat your head againt a wall.
Here's another example that I hope is relevant.
In the NFL, there are few positions that a woman could do as well, possibly kick, maybe even QB. But a woman could not take a hit from a 350 pound lineman or outrun a good linebacker, so the point is moot. Unless you can go head to head with the big boys why the hell would you lose the game for your team by saying "hey, that's not fair" What you can do, is pick a sport where you are 100% on even ground, where you are not handed down by Him, a major handicap. This is not about equal rights, it's about who's the best at winning a very deadly game.


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